Product quality and safety control unit

The quality of products that meet the specifications on their labels is a crucial factor in laboratory chemicals. Consumer acceptance is largely dependent on this factor.

Introduction and history of HSE Department of Padideh Shimi Jam Company:

The HSE unit of Padideh Shimi Jam Company (formerly known as Padideh Shimi Nili) was stablished in 2000 with two principles “Responsibility of all personnel in the field of HSE” and “Priority of HSE considerations in all activities of the organization”.

This unit considers the integrated HSE management system as an integral part of all its business activities. It is responsible for monitoring compliance with the mentioned system requirements in design, engineering, executive, and service operations.

At the very beginning of the company’s activity, a committee consisting of managers of large projects was established to organize human resources in the field of HSE and the culture of implementing its laws in the factory as well as providing legal requirements for projects under implementation.

The activities of the HSE unit in Padideh Shimi Jam Company entered a new phase in 2021. Due to the company being instructed to collaborate with an Italian international company to carry out the project of building a factory in Zanjan.

Policies, Strategies and Objectives:

The HSE regulation of Padideh Shimi Jam Company was developed in 2000 in accordance with the model of Health, Safety, and Environment Management System (HSE-MS). This was developed by modeling after leading companies in the field of HSE. The principles that govern this system have been created to meet the demands and requirements of management standards in the field of HSE. It can be used as a reference guide for the personnel of the company, the employer, and intermediaries who intend to evaluate the HSE management system.

In the HSE regulation, the relationship between risks within the organization and managers is outlined in a systematic format. This means that by following the established guidelines, each unit can effectively manage a variety of potential risks, guide the organization in the event of a hazard, assign responsibility for different types of risks to individuals, assess the organization’s performance in the face of risk, and organize personnel according to their roles and responsibilities.

In this way, errors can be prevented and corrected, and all kinds of changes in systems can be managed. This is the definition of the relationship between the components within a model. At the outset of the company’s operations, a committee consisting of company managers was formed to oversee human resources in the areas of health and safety. The company’s culture emphasizes compliance with laws at both its factory and headquarters. The committee makes sure that all legal requirements are met for ongoing projects.

Strategic objectives of HSE

The priorities established by Padideh Shimi Jam Company align with our strategy to achieve progress in HSE processes. We achieve this through preserving and protecting our employee’s health and safety, the environment, financial resources, and equipment. Our goal is to proactively approach in HSE.

The visual model of the principles governing the HSE management system of Padideh Shimi Jam Company is based on interactions among all elements, under the leadership and commitment of senior management of the organization. It is the responsibility of senior managers to ensure the existence and sufficiency of the resources needed to implement the HSE code of Padideh Shimi Jam Company. The implementation and maintenance of HSE management and compliance with this code should be ensured by them.


The HSE code of Padideh Shimi Jam Company has been developed in accordance with ISO standards and guidelines, including ISO 1801-2007, ISO 1401-2004, ISO 9001-2008, AND HSE-MS. The main focus of HSE is to monitor the performance of other units and ensure their effectiveness in the field of HSE. The primary responsibilities of this department include fulfilling legal obligations and promoting the health and safety of personnel and contractors. Measures for the HSE department can be planned in any of the following areas of expertise:


  • ·Preventing occupational and communicable diseases while maintaining and improving the health of personnel.
  • · Developing and implementing health improvement programs for occupational and personal health groups.
  • ·Preventing occupational hazards and reducing harmful factors in the workplace in order to create a healthy work environment.
  • · Assessing health risks and creating strategies to decrease their level.


  • · Obligation for personnel and contractors to observe safety standards in all aspects of the company’s activities.
  • · Promote culture and safety performance at all levels.
  • Preventing accidents in work environments and minimizing their impact
  • · Perform safety inspections and assessments with a focus on ongoing projects.
  • · Analysis of debilitating events and the implementation of preventive and corrective measures.
  • · Gain knowledge of incidents and inform them.

Environmental management

  • · Waste Management and Optimal Consumption of Resources and Energy.
  • · Minimize and, if possible, prevent outflows and harmful outputs for the environment.
  • · Participation and modeling in the activities of leading organizations in environmental issues.
  • · Pursue the Sustainable Development Goal by emphasizing environmental concerns.
  • · Minimize the harmful factors and adverse environmental impacts of new developments/services and products as much as possible.

Energy management

  • · Integration of energy management system.
  • · Integration and improvement of energy consumption to increase efficiency in factories.
  • · Creating a preventive approach and sustainable development.
  • · Reducing energy consumption costs.


Padideh Shimi Jam Company’s HSE training began with training senior managers, followed by monthly training of HSE staff and periodic testing. The HSE comprehensive training system was created after completing these trainings for workshop personnel and achieving cohesion. In order to implement this educational system, the company divided personnel from all departments into several groups, and different training types were required for each group. Academic professors were utilized to enhance the internal power of Padideh Shimi Jam Company to hold these trainings.

Our goal at Padideh Shimi Jam Co. is to promote and develop the country’s infrastructure by employing motivated personnel in an environment that is healthy, safe, and environmentally protected.

Quality Control Certificates

As a manufacturer of chemicals with a wide range of products, we strive to meet the documentation needs of our customers. The quality control unit of Padideh Shimi Jam Company has succeeded in implementing the following standards: